Letter from Jeff

Dear Momma,
    You knew all along this day would come.  You told me before you went to be with Jesus, that if I could show the parole board my heart they would let me come home.  I want my whole family to know that on 9-19-2012 at 5:25 PM the commissioner of the California Board of Prison Terms came over the speaker and said “Mr. Rousey we are not giving you your parole; you earned it!”.  “You have a huge insight as to what enabled you to commit this crime, and you have shown this board true remorse.”.  “We unanimously grant your parole.”.  To my family and my friends, as I stated to the parole board, I stole from Brent Meads mother and father, I stole their joy, I stole their happiness, I stole their son, I stole so much from so many…  Momma, Todd, Cristy and Tony I am sorry…  I am sorry for all of the hurt I caused you over the years the shame and embarassment that must come from having a sibling imprisoned, I am sorry for all of the sacrifices you had to make because of my incarceration…

Special thanks to:

Lesta Rogers
Doreen Rosimos
Andrea Fowler
Dr. Frank Feely
Mikki, Ken & Heather Fulcher

I will live a great life Momma you will be proud of what I’m still able to Achieve

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